Washington DC Translation Services

Translation Services Washington DC

Where Power-Players Come Together

If there is a Mecca for power, privilege and politics in the United States, it's Washington D.C, the city where business deals are brokered and bills are turned into laws. It's an enticing destination for work and play, boasting a renowned nightlife and cultural scene. Washington is the city where news and journalism go hand in hand. That's why Technovate Translations works with business clients and law firms in D.C. There is a need for accurate communication in a number of foreign languages and that's where we excel.

Our track record involves translating for lobbyists, law firms, hospitals, schools and Federal institutions that are located in the American capital city. You can trust us to both have translated a similar file you’re looking to have translated as well as the importance of that file.

Translations Services Washington DC are all Certified ISO 17100

There’s a level of professionalism you can expect when your translations are guided by an international standard like ISO 17100. This standard ensures your document goes through a transparent and specific process that assures a high-quality document. Within this standard you can rest assured that your legal, technical or complex document goes through multiple sets of eyes to ultimately give you an accurate and timely delivery.

The following information relates to the great city of Washington DC and Technovate Translations and how they cross path’s in business.

Top Washington DC Industries
Federal Government Professional Serivces
(Consulting and Legal)
Hospitality & Tourism
Healthcare & Life Sciences Education


  • Washington DC is the capital of the U.S. It was founded as the seat of the government after the American Revolution which occurred between 1765 and 1783.
  • Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners are elected to represent some small districts which are 37 in number. The members of the ANC's offer recommendations to the Council on matters affecting their residents. Government agencies can adopt these recommendations only after careful consideration.
  • The Attorney General is the head of the judiciary and the chief legal artificer of the District of Columbia.
  • The Judiciary is the arm of the government that uses the law to administer justice. They Judiciary punish law-breakers and settles disputes according to law. They do this through the courts.


  • The District of Columbia Bar has close to one million members, with over 700,000 actively practicing law. About 500,000 are actively practicing law in the Washington DC area. This number doesn’t include people with a law degree but aren’t actively practicing law. There are also thousands of lawyers working under the federal government that don’t have to be members of the District of Columbia Bar.
  • Legal Services Corporation (LSC) is a non-profit independent organization established in 1974 by Congress. It provides low-income Americans with financial support for civil legal aid.
  • University Legal Services (ULS) is a community-based, non-profit, private organization that acts as the District of Columbia’s Protection & Advocacy agency. It also provides tenant asset/purchase management and housing counseling to low and moderate-income earners in the District of Columbia.


  • Washington DC has about 130 hotels with more than 30,000 hotel rooms in total. The Greater Washington DC Metropolitan area has about 700 hotels with over 100,000 rooms.
  • Washington DC has about 2,300 restaurants. 72 of these restaurants received 4.5 or higher grades in the Zagat food scores.
  • In 2016, the District of Columbia welcomed a record 22 million visitors. In the same year, the number of domestic visitors was 20 million. A sum of $7.3 billion was spent by visitors in the city.
  • The majority of visitors to Washington DC come from Japan, Spain, Italy, Australia, South Korea, India, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and China.


  • Washington DC has 16 hospitals and medical centers.
  • The social assistance and healthcare sector accounts for about 60,000 jobs in DC. The majority of these jobs are in hospitals, residential and nursing care facilities, and health care services.
  • DC is the center for biomedical research funded by the National Institute of Health.
  • The Children’s National Hospital has a Children’s Research Institute that researches life sciences including areas such as pediatric research, pharmacology, health education, genomics, and medical devices.
  • The DC area has several federal agencies including the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Department of Health and Human Services, meaning this area has a great influence on healthcare policies.


  • Washington DC operates 123 public schools, with more than 45,000 student enrollment. DC also monitors 52 public charter schools. As far as higher learning is concerned, DC has both private and public universities. Some private universities include Trinity Washington University, Howard University (HU), Georgetown University (GU), George Washington University (GW), Gallaudet University, and the Catholic University of America (CUA), among others.
  • Georgetown is a leading university in Nursing, Business, and International Relations programs.
  • George Washington University is known for Political Communication, Political Sciences, and International Affairs
  • Howard University is known for its Sciences, Journalism, and Communication program
  • American University is known for its Political Science, Management, and International Relations programs.


Technovate Washington DC Stats (2020)
Businesses Served Projects Main Industries Main Docs Translated
65 349 Professional Services
Healthcare & Life Sciences
Legal Docs
Marketing Docs
Medical Docs


Major Schools in Los Angeles
Georgetown U George Washington Howard American
International Relations
International Affairs
Political Science
Political Comm.
International Relations
Political Science


Keeping Communication Open

Washington D.C. is a true melting pot of America, with people from all over the United States coming to Washington DC as the true vertex where politics meets business. Clear communication is key when straddling the line between business and politics. In order for the messages coming from Washington to be accurately and efficiently translated for everyone from the lawmakers to the lobbyists to international interests, a translation company dedicated to providing a diverse portfolio of translation services is critical. Technovate Translations does just that. Our translation specialists are native speakers in the languages they translate into, so they capture the essence of what's being said, not just the words on the page. Document translation is important to lobbying firms looking to get their message across to law firms working with international interests, complex legal, medical or technical translation requires accurate and timely translations.

Maintaining the D.C. Standard

With so many influential people and businesses in one place, translation agencies have to be able to meet the high-standards of our clients. Technovate is one of the foremost translation companies in Washington DC, working in more than 200 worldwide languages like Chinese, Russian, Arabic and French, all of which are common in the business and political climate of D.C. Whatever the need of a client, Technovate has the means to be of assistance. We have representatives available to answer any question you may have at, so you're never left in the dark; there's always someone there to help. Contact us with your translation request and get a quote now.