Hold Harmless (Indemnity) Agreement

In law, the hold harmless agreement is also called the indemnity agreement. You could also call it a no-fault agreement, indemnification agreement, or assignment of indemnity.
This type of agreement exists between employers and their employees. The agreement is essential for establishing protection from certain issues. Typically, these issues include:
- Liabilities
- Losses
- Claims
- Damages
These issues are common occurrences at the workplace. Without the agreement in place, one of the parties (either employer or employee) would have to bear responsibilities for any of the above.
When is the Hold Harmless (Indemnity) Agreement Used?
The hold harmless (indemnity) agreement is usable in several instances. While its use is more pronounced at the workplace, landlords and tenants also sign it. Owners of high-risk businesses can also ask their customers to sign an indemnity agreement.
You must know a few things first before signing this contract or paying for hold harmless (indemnity) agreement legal translation services. These can be broken down into the following:
- The agreement can be a stand-alone document or part of a larger contract
- Familiarize yourself with the indemnification language
- Know the scope and specificity of the agreement
Examples of the types of languages and terminologies that you should know include "to hold harmless." Failure to include such terms could render you liable in case any serious issue arises.
Other terms that you should know for your peace of include "to secure against damages or loss" and "an obligation to defend." Take a keen interest in these key phrases while reviewing the document before signing it.
Hold Harmless (Indemnity) Agreement - Is it enforceable?
Can the hold harmless (indemnity) agreement document act as a barrier to suing somebody whose negligence caused an injury? Yes, it can! In law, the indemnity agreement is legally enforceable.
In jurisdictions such as the United States, you can't sign away all your rights. For this reason, you're not entirely helpless if you want to sue an individual or organization. The court will examine the circumstances that caused your injury.
Each case has its own merits. Therefore, the fact that you hired a hold harmless (indemnity) agreement expert before signing it shouldn't bar you from going to court. Give the court a chance to determine the merits - or lack thereof - of your case.
Each case has its own merits. Therefore, the fact that you hired a hold harmless (indemnity) agreement expert before signing it shouldn't bar you from going to court. Give the court a chance to determine the merits - or lack thereof - of your case.
Additionally, the enforceability of the agreement is subject to the language used in the contract. In some agreements, customers or employees specifically waive away the right to sue for negligence.
Third parties might also affect the enforceability of the agreement. This contract exempts the person with whom you sign it from assuming any liability. However, any other person at the scene of the incident whose actions affected you can be sued.
Sign the Hold Harmless (Indemnity) Agreement
Lastly, nothing should hold you back from signing this agreement. You are free to sign any of the three types of this agreement presented to you. These include basic form, intermediate form, and limited form.
Before signing it, make sure that you're familiar with all its dictates and stipulations. In this regard, you should not hesitate to take advantage of the hold harmless (indemnity) agreement legal translation.