Afar Translation Services

Afar is a language that is spoken in Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Djibouti. Ethiopia is an East Central Africa country that has over a 91 million population. Afar is used in some schools in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is also the oldest known location for any human existence.

Afar is also a central language to Eritrea which is an Eastern African country. This country is in comparable size to Pennsylvania. There is a 4.1 population in this country and it border Ethiopia. This country has rural living.

Afar Technical Translation Services

Both of these countries both speak Afar and it is one of nine national languages in Eritrea.

We offer professional Afar translation services to suit your needs. Our skilled translators will assist with medical, financial, legal, scholarly, and many other fields. Any document can be translated into Afar by our professional staff. Diplomas, degrees, transcripts, books, essays, and certificates will be translated accurately and efficiently.

About the Afar Language:

Afar is a language that is spoken among three different countries including Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Djibouti. It is known that people who speak Afar are nomadic people and the language could actually be in other places. The language is a subject-object-verb order when writing the language and speaking. Afar is normally written in Latin script. The language is understood by all three countries. It seems that despite speaking Afar and it being a native language, people who speak Afar prefer to speak Arabic which is their second language. It is more comfortable to them.

Interesting Fact:

In Eritrea, Afar is a minority language.

Main Industries:

  • Mining
  • Manufacturing
  • Tourism
  • Retail
  • Financial

Afar Language Facts:

  • 1.5 million speakers
  • 1% – 3% literacy rate among speakers
  • Lowland East Cushitic language
  • Related to Saho language

Are you looking for a reliable Afar Translation Service with your most important documents?
Technovate Translations has successfully completed 30,000+ projects and can translate yours!

English to Afar Document Translation

Afar Translation and Interpretation Services In:
Legal, Marketing, Government, Medical, Website Translation and Interpretation

Order English to Afar | Afar to English Translation Now at 1-800-736-7764