Edmonton Legal & Patent Translation Services

Need Translations for the Following Legal Documents?

Patents Intellectual Property Deposition Documents
Contracts Class Action Certified Documents

We'll translate your patent or legal documents today. Our representative will work with you and make sure that we deliver everything exactly as you need! Call us today and get a quote on the same-day to help you make your decision.

Local Patent News

Recently Wavefront Technology Solutions filed two patent applications for a new stimulation approach to fluid delivery technology. The innovation will help to reduce the time between the drilling of a well and when the well begins producing. Wavefront plans to use this technology across the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin. The US Patent and Trademark Office granted a trademark for the innovation’s name, “WaveAxe.”(source)

Other Legal Documents We Can Translate for You:

Contracts Licenses Wills and Trusts
Affidavit Bates numbering Brief
Court Judgment Demand Letter Lease
Letter of Intent Non-disclosure agreement Prenuptial Agreement
Real Estate Contract Shareholders Agreement Sworn Declaration

Law Firms We've Worked With:

Professional Legal Translation Clients

About Edmonton

Legal & Patent Translation Services in Edmonton

Edmonton is a metropolis of more than 800,000 people which also serves as the capital of the province of Alberta. It sits within a metropolitan area of 1.1 million people. Within the city, people of European extraction made up more than 71% of the population, while visible minorities comprised more than 22% of Edmontonians. English, Scottish, and German are the three most widely cited ethnic heritages in the city. Edmontonians benefit from the services of hundreds of lawyers and legal professionals who practice in the city and its metropolitan area, and these individuals are represented by the Law Society of Alberta, and organization whose purpose is to serve as a self-regulatory body for the legal profession in the interest of lawyers’ clients and the general public.

As a major center for the energy and gas industries, Edmonton remains on the forefront of innovation in the Canadian economy. As a result, more and more patents are being filed by Edmontonian innovators.

Whatever it is you need accomplished – Technovate Translations will do whatever it takes
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