Happy New Years from Technovate Translations!
The Roman god Janus gave his name to January because he had two faces, one looking back at the old year and one looking forward to the new. Like Janus, we at Technovate Translations are looking back on a successful 2012 and looking forward to an even more successful 2013. As we enter the new year, we're poised to make this our greatest year ever, both for us as a company and in terms of what we provide you as our clients. In the coming year, we're looking forward to building on our past successes to provide even better service and value to all our clients.
Technovate Translations Reso-Goals for 2013
We are entering 2013 with a positive mindset and a goal of building on our successes from the past. We have some great goals to focus on this year, and we've made some resolutions that we plan to stick with throughout 2013. That's why I've called these our "reso-goals," and we'll be targeting these on a daily basis throughout 2013:
Making it Easier to do Business with Technovate
Our focus this year will be to make it even easier for our clients to do business with us, continuing a commitment to simplicity that began when I founded the company. Some things to expect are: an easier to navigate backend, simpler ordering procedures and less waste (both time and paper). Please let us know if you ever find anything we do to be too complicated.
Continued Sales Growth
As the leader, our growth starts and ends with me. I believe that if a business is not growing then it's shrinking. I also believe that growth comes from learning. I've had the pleasure to belong to some great organizations for entrepreneurs that have helped our organization tremendously. I've committed to a new program from Strategic Coach that focuses on 10x thinking. This personal development program for entrepreneurs helps them grow their businesses. We have something special at Technovate, and I'm committed to seeing it shine brighter. We've also invested in development days for key personnel at the company to help our staff improve their skills. Every year brings new challenges, and we'll be there to provide the right solutions for our growth path.
Giving Back To Great Causes
This past holiday season we gave a company donation on behalf of all of our clients to Camp Ooch (a camp for kids with cancer) at www.ooch.org. It was an honor to give to a great cause and to people who really need it. This year we commit to donating on a quarterly basis to a great cause and to help the fight against disease. Every little bit helps. In doing this we hope to bring awareness to some great causes and inspire others to do the same.
We hope to take you along on our wonderful journey this year. Your account manager is always available to help you, whether it's about translation or something completely different. Contact us, and your friendly account manager will help you in any way possible. Here's to a great 2013!
My best, Marcel Vilanez CEO
Music – The Universal Language
Just about every country in the world has their own unique language, culture, set of values, spiritual beliefs and traditions. However, despite these intricate differences, the barriers become less apparent when it comes to music. As a truly universal language, music unifies people across all cultures and languages, and stimulates a mutual understanding between various groups of people.
Songs and Musical Artists Reach Global Audiences

In This Issue
Technovate Translations Reso-Goals for 2013
Our focus this year will be to make it even easier for our clients to do business with us, continuing a commitment to simplicity that began when I founded the company.
Music – The Universal Language
Just about every country in the world has their own unique language, culture, set of values, spiritual beliefs and traditions. However, despite these intricate differences, the barriers become less apparent when it comes to music.

Certain songs have proven how music can truly unify cultures from every part of the world. No matter what language you speak, or what cultural background you hail from, there is no denying the impact that music has on the breakdown of linguistic and cultural barriers.
Take the popular song "Gangnam Style" for instance. Since the song hit the airwaves in 2012, it has been watched more than 1 billion times over the internet. Most people don't even understand the Korean lyrics to the song, yet they seem to be able to sing along with it with no reservations.
Of course, everyone remembers "The Macarena". You can't possibly forget this catchy tune, as it is still being played at weddings all over the world. This tune also comes with its own unique dance that quickly became an international phenomenon.
Artists have also had substantial influences cross culturally. The Beatles have had an immense influence on global cultures, and put out numerous songs that quickly became an international smash hits that seemed to unite everyone across the globe.
Elvis Presley has also had legendary influences all over the world with just about every song he recorded. Songs like "Heartbreak Hotel" and "Jailhouse Rock" were never translated into different languages, yet his music was still globally known and sung or hummed by just about every person on the planet.
No matter how unconventional a song or an artist may seem, if they are appealing enough to the masses, they will inevitably be internationally embraced. The language barrier has no bearing on uniting people from various cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Music truly is a universal language!
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